Can a non profit worker get a mortgage in Australia? The answer is yes.

As a non profit worker, you may even be able to access home loan options that aren’t available to the general public.

Contact your non profit loan specialist


 In Australia, people who work in the not for profit sector can be entitled to access salary packaging options when they take on a home loan.

When you use salary packaging, you can have all or some of your mortgage payments deducted as part of your pre-tax income.

As a result, you can either borrow more or benefit from lower repayments. This makes having a home loan, as a not for profit worker, more manageable.


If you have a good credit history and evidence of being able to save money, you can definitely be considered for a home loan if you are a non profit worker.

Here are some of the things you will need as part of your application:

evidence of your income and employment history;

  • evidence of your personal debt (ideally it will be very minimal);
  • a good credit history, and
  • evidence you have been saving for a deposit (this could also include proving you have been steadily paying rent).

Take a look at this video for more information about improving your borrowing capacity: coming soon

The most important thing you need when applying for a home loan as a not for profit worker is the help of someone who understands every single option that is out there for you.


Steve Morrison

With a ten year history as a mortgage broker, I have helped plenty of not for profit worker clients to secure a home loan.

Whether you have a deposit saved and ready to go or you just want to know what your options are, I can help you understand what to do at every step.

My services include researching the lenders that offer salary packaging options and home loans at the most competitive rates to fit in with your budget.


If you’re employed by a not for profit organisation, it makes sense to work with a mortgage broker who is in touch with the lenders who will be able to accommodate your circumstances.

  • Book a time to speak with me and we’ll go through your plans and your ideal outcome.
  • I’ll research your options and let you know how much you can borrow.
  • Then we will work together to prepare an application with the lender who can provide the most attractive salary packaging options.

Get in touch to schedule your first appointment.

Contact your non profit loan specialist



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